Monday, October 7, 2013

It's October and it's time to SCARE up some readers. Thanks to our local McDonald's restaurants, kids will have the chance to earn free treats by logging reading minutes while in the library. During their class time in the library, kids can log their reading minutes on the bulletin board. The class with the highest total of minutes by Oct. 31st will win some free eats at McDonald's. Happy Haunted Reading!
-Mrs. Joffs

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Welcome back Summitview Stars! School has begun and we are well into our fall semester. I want to congratulate all of our summer Firefly readers.  We had quite a few children complete their summer reading lists. Our Star readers are Emily and Robert Anderson, Dane and Brock Needham, Delaney Soderstrom, Makayla Philp, Alexa Alcala, Connor Johnson, and Andrew Mauch. Well done! We have a lot of different activities planned for the library this year. I am hopeful that these activities will help ignite a passion for reading and learning.

There is no friend as loyal as a book! - Ernest Hemingway